In nature, many species share their resources. For instance, trees share their resources through their roots. They have a huge wired network underneath the earth that connects all trees from the same species. My wife and I had this idea of creating a platform where humans can exchange resources just as trees do. We thought that each individual in a community has something to offer and something they need no matter who they are.
I thought about how to create a platform that would be beneficial to people and help them get their needs without the use of money. A platform where people can sign up as both a giver and a receiver at the same time. When you register for this platform, you could list all types of the things you can offer and the things you need help with. You could browse through the things that people are asking for and if there is something you could help with, you could assign that to yourself and wait for the person who posted the requested service to confirm your offer. By doing so, you get karma points which they can be used to receive help from other people.
I see that a lot of people need things, but they don’t have the money to get it, however, they have skills. So with this application, they will be able to get what they need in exchange with something they are willing to offer by utilizing their skills. Think about how useful this would be during a pandemic. If shops are closed, and you need to get a special service, you can’t get this service during this pandemic, as we saw during the last lock-down in March. With this application, people don’t need to panic because they will have access to anything they need.
If you look at nature, you can see many examples where resources are exchanged with different species. Crocodiles have exchanges with Egyptian plover birds. After the crocodile finishes its meal, you can see it relaxing around under the sun having its mouth wide open letting the plover bird gets inside to pick out the tiny pieces of food stuck in between its teeth. By doing so, the bird gets its food and the crocodile gets his teeth cleaned.
If we implement this kind of application that we see in nature for humans, there will be a lot of users who can take advantage. To see the initial steps that are needed to build this fully functioning mobile/web application for people to use, check out my other blog post: How to Start Building a Mobile Application in 5 steps.
The next step is to think about the tools and technologies that are required to implement this platform. I will talk about this in my upcoming blog next week In Sha Allah (God willing).